The last two weeks or so of 2012 were very exciting for Gorilla Publishing, and 2013 is shaping up to be quite a year as well. We're already working on some new projects. Those of you who know me might remember this gem:
Well, it's coming back from the dead–this time as an eBook! By the time CJ and I are done with it, The Dog Who Loved the Good Life will have a read-along feature, audio narration, sound effects, and some catchy theme music. Also be on the lookout for Emily and the Halloween Problem, the first in a series of chapter books for the 2nd-3rd grade set. Magic is involved, but there's a twist. I promise.
And of course, there will be more Hippo and Gorilla. A few ideas have even made their way out of my brain and onto my computer. I don't want to give away too much, but these are some things that might be involved: guitars, the common cold, pancakes, and photo-bombing.
Happy New Year!